Bluerider ART 蓝骑士艺术於2013年由具科技企业主背景的Elsa Wang 王薇薇女士创立於台湾台北市。以前卫艺术家 Wassily Kandinsky 康丁斯基发起的艺术团体Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider蓝骑士) 命名,延续其艺术精神性主张,代理推广具独特风格国际艺术家,提供专业团队高质量收藏服务。目前於欧亚重点城市伦敦、台北、上海,市中心精华地段设有四个展览空间:Bluerider ART 伦敦·梅费尔、Bluerider ART 上海·外滩、Bluerider ART 台北·敦仁、Bluerider ART 台北·仁爱,致力於连通东西方艺术文脉,传承歷史开创新局。
Bluerider ART was established in 2013 in Taipei, Taiwan, by Elsa Wang, an IT entrepreneur. The gallery derives its name from Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider), founded by artist Wassily Kandinsky, reflecting its commitment to the emphasis on spiritual expression in art. Bluerider ART specialises in representing and promoting internationally acclaimed artists with distinctive styles, offering a comprehensive range of high-quality collection services through a dedicated and professional team. The gallery operates four strategic locations across Europe and Asia: Bluerider ART London•Mayfair, Bluerider ART Shanghai•The Bund, Bluerider ART Taipei•DunRen and Bluerider ART Taipei •RenAi. Bluerider ART is committed to fostering cross-cultural dialogue, preserving historical artistic legacies, and pioneering new paradigms in the contemporary art landscape.
Bluerider ART 伦敦·梅费尔 / London·Mayfair
开放时间 / Opening hours
10am – 6pm
地址 / Location
47 Albemarle St, London, W1S 4JW
电话 / Tel
44 20 3903 7827
邮箱 / E-mail
Bluerider ART 上海·外滩 / Shanghai · The Bund
开放时间 / Opening hours
Tue – Sun 10am – 7pm
地址 / Location
133 Sichuan Middle Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
电话 / Tel
+86 21 6330 6166
邮箱 / E-mail
Bluerider ART 台北·敦仁 / Taipei · Dunren
开放时间 / Opening hours
Tue – Sun 10am – 7pm
地址 / Location
10, Lane 101, Section 1, Da’an Road, Da’an District, Taipei, Taiwan
电话 / Tel
+886 2 2752 7778
邮箱 / E-mail
Bluerider ART 台北·仁爱 / Taipei · Renai
开放时间 / Opening hours
Tue – Sat 10am – 6pm
地址 / Location
10F., No. 25-1, Sec. 4, Renai Rd., Taipei
电话 / Tel
+886 2 2752 2238
邮箱 / E-mail