The ICA at NYU Shanghai is a place for sharing ideas through art.
使命 / Mission
The Institute of Contemporary Arts at NYU Shanghai is a non-profit kunsthalle and research center committed to the development, presentation, and exchange of diverse ideas through contemporary arts.
Our commitment aligns with the mission of NYU Shanghai, dedicated to education, research, and public service, and is based on a core belief that engagement with art engenders critical thought, creativity, and openness to complexity, across disciplines and society and in everyday life.
Every two years, together with artists and our surrounding communities, the ICA at NYU Shanghai pursues thematic inquiries through public exhibitions, events, and publications that experiment with ways of knowing, being, and relating to ourselves and the world.
愿景 / Vision
- 在中国大陆创建一个独特的跨学科、研究型的艺术项目发展模式;
- 突破“博物馆创建”的常规思路,随着时间的推移,让场馆的基础设施和艺术项目紧密融合、有机衔接;
- 秉承并发扬上海纽约大学一直以来的教育、研究和为公众服务的使命。
- 应该从同时代的艺术家们身上学习。他们既关注当下,又不断发明新的工具来探察历史、想象未来;
- 应该借鉴当代艺术的反思性和多元性,与不同学科合作,运用多元的物质材料。
- 应该推动基于图像和物件的展览,和逻各斯中心主义的公共活动和出版物等研究形式的发展。
In our first five years (2019-24), our vision for the ICA at NYU Shanghai is “Instituting an Institute,” which draws inspiration from the dual meaning of the word “institute” as both a verb and a noun. In this truly exciting moment for the ICA at NYU Shanghai, we have the opportunity not only to make something new, but to also experiment with the form and the means of making an institution.
By “instituting an institute,” the ICA at NYU Shanghai seeks to:
- initiate a distinct and unique model of transdisciplinary research-oriented arts programming within mainland China;
- invert the dominant logic of “museum building” by first cohering institutional infrastructure and a legacy of programs over time;
- support the ongoing mission of NYU Shanghai to educate, research, and serve our publics.
By naming “contemporary arts” as our object of institution, the ICA at NYU Shanghai believes in:
- learning from artists who live and work in our shared time, but who also invent new tools with which to examine the past and imagine our future;
- modeling the reflexivity and plurality of art being made today, which collaborates with a variety of disciplines, objects, and materials;
- advancing image and object-based forms of exhibitions (as well as logo-centric forms of public programs and publications) as a mode of research.
历史 / History
Founded in 2012 by New York University and East China Normal University, NYU Shanghai is China’s first Sino-US research university. Three years later, the NYU Shanghai Art Gallery was established as one of the few university-affiliated art institutions in China to focus on contemporary art. Though the Gallery began with a modest space and nascent parent institution, its program was nevertheless ambitious and presented work by a broad range of artists. Following the departure of founding director LIN Qian, the Gallery went into a two-year hiatus.
In 2019, the university art gallery of NYU Shanghai reopened to the public with a new mission and reinvigorated vision as the Institute of Contemporary Arts at NYU Shanghai. The ICA at NYU Shanghai builds upon the earlier ambitions of the Gallery, while expanding our aims to emphasize experimentation, to further understand art and exhibition-making as a form of research, and to learn from artists living and working today.
开放时间 / Opening hours
周二至周四(校内开放时间,校外观众参观需要预约) 11:00 – 18:00
Tue – Thu (open to campus; open to public by appointment) 11:00 – 18:00
周五至周六 公共开放 11:00 – 18:00
Fri – Sat (open to public) 11:00 – 18:00
参观须知 / Admission
- 参观请从上海纽约大学进入,上纽ICA位于海泰楼(北楼)一楼N101。
- 上海纽约大学社区成员无需预约。
- 校外观众需提前预约,预约成功后由杨思西路567号进入校园。
- 参观请从上纽ICA公共入口进入,公共入口位于高青西路与杨思西路交叉口东南角。
- 所有观众均无需预约。
Tue – Thu: 11:00 – 18:00
- Open to all visitors through ICA’s campus entrance, located inside NYU Shanghai at N101, on the ground floor of H!TIME Hall (north building).
- Open to the NYU Shanghai community; no appointment necessary.
- Open to the public by appointment; click HERE to RSVP. Public visitors must enter NYU Shanghai campus at the main gate at 567 West Yangsi Road.
Fri – Sat: 11:00 – 18:00
- Open to all visitors through ICA’s public entrance, located at West Gaoqing Road, at the intersection with West Yangsi Road.
- Open to the public and NYU Shanghai community; no appointment necessary.
All exhibitions and public events are free and open to the public.
Some events may require registration. Please check the specific event announcement for details.
如何到达 / Directions
- 在谷歌地图(中国境外)或百度地图(中国境内)上查看。
View on Google Maps (outside China) or Baidu Maps (inside China). - 上纽ICA的校内入口位于海泰楼(北楼)一楼N101。校外观众需先从杨思西路567号进入校园。
The campus entrance to the ICA is located at N101, on the ground floor of H!TIME Hall (north building). Public visitors must enter NYU Shanghai campus at the main gate at 567 West Yangsi Road. - 上纽ICA公共入口位于杨思西路和高青西路交叉口东南角。
The public entrance to the ICA is located on West Gaoqing Road, at the intersection with West Yangsi Road.
公共交通 / Public Transportation
地铁 / Metro
Oriental Sports Center Station, Metro Lines 6/8/11, Exit 3
公交 / Bus
Yaoti Road at Pingjiaqiao Road, Bus Lines 82/314
打车 / Taxi
Drop off at 567 West Yangsi Road, or at the intersection of West Yangsi Road and Gaoqing Road.
Public Transportation is recommended for the external visitors due to limited on-campus parking availability. Visitors can park at Taikoo Li Qiantan nearby.
地址 / Location
567 West Yangsi Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China
邮编 / Zip code
电话 / Tel
+86 021 2059 5809
邮箱 / E-mail