A4美术馆是致力于用艺术激活创造,连接更广泛公众的当代艺术机构。持续推动新的艺术实践发生,推动艺术家发展,让更多人参与艺术创造,为观众带来多元的高品质当代艺术展览、公共项目和研究计划。目前,A4美术馆拥有两座场馆:A4美术馆(A4 Art Museum),位于成都天府新区麓山大道,具有浓厚托斯卡纳风格的麓镇山顶广场,总面积约4200平方米;A4X艺术中心(A4X Art Center) 坐落于成都天府大道麓湖生态城艺展中心,场馆由美国大地建筑之父安托内·普雷多克设计。


2023年,在投资人的支持下,A4美术馆秉持着“用艺术连接人与人,激活创造力”的理念,更新了作为“新美术馆实践者”的发展方向,在原有A4美术馆品牌的基础上扩展为A4美术馆文化集群,其中包含四个品牌:A4美术馆(A4 Art Museum)致力于创造国际与在地艺术交流、推动西南艺术生态的发展、通过参与式的展览和丰富的公共教育,推动新的艺术形态发展。;A4儿童馆(A4 Kids)是关注儿童创造的平台,致力于让更多儿童获得创造性的社会化教育,激活面向未来的教育生态;A4国际驻留艺术中心(A4 Residency)是以驻留为方法和视角的跨领域开放型合作平台,依托在地文化与国际合作机遇,探索社区、城市及国际间多元文化价值;A4:X艺术中心(A4: X Art Center)是激发跨界连接,为文化、艺术、时尚、设计等多元创意内容,带来无限创作可能和想象力的创意中心。


A4 Art Museum is a contemporary art institution devoted to stimulating creativity and connecting with a wider audience through art. The museum promotes new artistic practices and artist development, so that more people can participate in creating art. The museum brings viewers a range of diverse, high-quality contemporary art exhibitions, public programs, and research projects. A4 Art Museum currently has two sites. Situated on Lushan Avenue in Chengdu’s Tianfu New District, A4 Art Museum covers a total area of 4,200 square meters in Luxetown’s Tuscan-style Mountaintop Plaza. A4X Art Center is housed in a building designed by noted American architect Antoine Predock, located within the Luxelakes Eco-city complex on Chengdu’s Tianfu Avenue.

A4 Art Museum was founded in 2008 by Chengdu Wide Horizon Investment Co., Ltd. In 2016, the museum formally registered as a non-profit and, in 2023, the main A4 Art Museum moved from Luxelakes into a building in Luxetown renovated by Tektonn Architects. Led by founding director Sunny Sun, A4 Art Museum has continued to develop the art scene in southwestern China, expand connections between international and local communities, and promote the development of community art. The museum has launched annual children’s and public education programs with an emphasis on social justice, public participation, and socialized education. The museum has worked with nearly 500 artists from around the world, more than 40 curators, and 28 institutions and foundations to host over 80 contemporary art exhibitions, including the Southwestern Art Program, the Young Artist Experimental Season, the Young Curators Program, the Luxelakes Public Art Festival, and the iSTART Children’s Art Festival. A4 Public Education continues to connect ideas through creativity. Employing broad-based social mobilizations, participatory designs, co-creation between social groups, and visitor research, the department has built a rich and diverse array of public programs, which promote the study and practice of socialized education. To date, the museum has hosted nearly 2,000 events for more than 500,000 visitors from around the world, connecting and cultivating the over 1,000 core co-creation partners and members of creator groups that make up A4’s community networks.

With the support of investors in 2023, A4 Art Museum is putting “new art museum” into practice, while continuing to connect people through art and activate creativity. Building on the original A4 Art Museum’s reputation, the new A4 Art Museum group includes four brands. First, A4 Art Museum is dedicated to fostering exchange between the local and international art scenes and promoting the development of the artistic ecosystems of southwestern China. Through participatory exhibitions and a rich array of public education programs, the museum promotes the development of new art forms. Second, A4 Kids focuses on children’s creativity, devoting to offering creative, socialized education to more children and fostering a future-facing educational environment. Third, A4 Residency Art Center is an open, multi-disciplinary collaborative platform enacted through artist residencies. Supported by local culture and opportunities for international collaboration, A4 Residency explores the diverse cultural value of communities, cities, and nations. Finally, A4X Art Center is a creative center that activates connections between disciplines, offering endless innovative possibilities for culture, art, fashion, and design.

In the future, A4 Art Museum will continue to focus on people. Through art exhibitions and public programs, the museum brings art into everyday life and encourages closer connections between people through the power of art, so that visitors become partners and co-creators in the building of a museum community that belongs to everyone.


开馆时间 / Opening hours
每周二至周日 10:00-18:00(最后入场时间为17:30)
Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00AM to 6:00PM (last entry at 5:30 PM)
Closed on Monday (except during the Spring Festival, open on public holidays)


  • 公众导览 / Public Guided Tours
    每周六、周日各2场免费导览 / Every Sat./Sun.
    15:00 – 16:00
    16:30 – 17:30
  • 团队导览 / Group Guided Tours
    团队购票详询 86(028)8576 1265
    Please call 86 (028) 8576 1265
  • 付费导览服务请提前3个工作日预约
    If you require a guided tour, please make a reservation at least three working days in advance.
  • 非常导览 / Extraordinary Guided Tours
    During the exhibition period, we will periodically invite several “extraordinary” guides for public tours, they come from different fields and will guide from their unique perspectives, engaging in multidimensional thinking collisions with the audience.

参观须知 / Visiting Notice

  • 请勿使用闪关灯
    Please do not use flashing lights.
  • 请寄存您的大件行李、背包
    Please store your large luggage and backpack.
  • 请勿触摸展品(互动性等特殊场景除外)
    Please do not touch the exhibits (except for special interactive scenes).
  • 请勿带入饮料、食物
    Do not bring beverages or food.
  • 请勿携带宠物
    No Pets Allowed.
  • 请勿吸烟
    No smoking.

配套服务 / Supporting services

  • 免费寄存柜 / Free storage cabinet.
  • 轮椅及婴儿车停放点 / Wheelchair and stroller parking area.
  • AED急救设备 / AED emergency equipment.
  • 公共卫生间 / Public restrooms.
  • 厢式电梯 / Box elevator.
  • 无线网络 / Free WiFi.

交通 / Traffic

  • 驾车:定位A4美术馆,从麓镇西路进入停车场
    Driving: Located at A4 Art Museum, enter the parking lot from Luzhen West Road
  • 地铁:6号线(麓山大道站)A出口,出站后步行约10分钟
    Subway: Walk 10 minutes from Line6 Lushan Avenue Station ExitA
  • 公交:乘至(天府基金小镇)站,可乘坐571路/571路快线/T208路/T42路公交,下车后步行约10分钟
    Bus: Tianfu International Fund Town of China Bus Station, the nearest bus stop on lines 571, 571Express, T208 or T42


地址 / Location
中国 · 四川省 · 成都市 · 天府新区麓山大道二段18号麓镇山顶广场
Building 21, Luxetown Mountaintop Plaza, No,18 Lushan Avenue Section 2, Shuangliu District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

电话 / Tel

邮箱 / E-mail


