Objective Gallery塑造了一个叙事环境,讲述空间,人与家具之间的故事。其意在从生活的本质出发,以空间为载体,以人为轴心,创造美学与性能融合的居家物件。

Objective Gallery成立于2020年,在这栋上海原卜内门洋行大楼内实现“旧”历史与“新”时代前卫艺术的和谐相融。第二个空间于2022年在纽约苏豪区开设,画廊继续从全球寻觅具有收藏价值的设计和功能性艺术品,以激发审美和促进有意识的生活方式。

从上海到纽约,Objective Gallery不曾止步于对于美学的追求,找寻人与空间的情感契合点,同时强调不同空间与地点对于家具功能的理性需求。每一件作品的背后,是设计师、艺术家与匠人们不断探索的过程:从设计、选材到制作——皆体现着将艺术融入生活的无限可能性。Objective Gallery 放眼全球,邀请各个地区不同领域的艺术家,一同踏上追寻与艺术共存的旅程。

Objective Gallery embraces a collaborative approach to art and design through compelling visual narratives and spatial storytelling. Unifying a group of emerging artists, Objective Gallery offers contemporary collections of elegant yet functional objects that push the boundaries of
craftsmanship, design and innovation.

Founded in 2020 in an evocative gallery space housed within a historic building in Shanghai, Objective Gallery recently opened its second storefront in New York City’ s cosmopolitan West SoHo neighborhood.

At its core, Objective Gallery curates bespoke designs and sources functional artworks from around the globe, offering clients unique pieces that inspire a mindful way of life. With an emphasis on uncompromising quality and custom design, Objective Gallery connects desire with talent, blurring the boundaries between art and life-bringing sublime creations to our most personal spaces.


地址 / Location
上海市静安区文安路30号苏河皓司 1 楼
1F SUHE HAUS, 30 Wen’an Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai

纽约市春街315号 10013
315 Spring St, New York, NY 10013

邮箱 / E-mail


