常州博物馆建筑面积2.8万平方米,外观新颖、设施齐全、功能先进、富有时代气息。展区面积近1万平方米,共有7个展厅。常州博物馆陈列由两大基本陈列、两个专题陈列和三个临时展厅三部分组成。其中基本陈列是“龙腾中吴——常州古代历史文化陈列”和“神奇的自然 美丽的家园——常州少儿自然陈列”;专题陈列是“谢稚柳艺术陈列”和“刘国钧先生捐献红木家具陈列”;临时展厅不定期地举办各类特展和巡回展览。
Changzhou Museum,founded in 1958,is a provincial comprehensive museum with a combination of human history,natural history and art. The current collection of cultural relics and specimens are more than 30,000 pieces,among which there are 51 pieces of the national first grade cultural relics (one national treasure relics),245 pieces of the second grade cultural relics,2945 pieces of the third grade cultural relics.Among these treasures,the jade of the Liangzhu culture period,the proto-celadon of the Spring and Autumn,and Warring period,the lacquer and porcelain of the Song and Yuan dynasty as well as the paintings and calligraphy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.The museum also sets up the only Natural History Museum for Juveniles in Jiangshu Province,owns 8148 pieces of natural specimens.It has formed six series of collections including the land fur animals,the ocean animals,the world insects,the local herbs, the mineral crystals and the fossils,among which such as the fossil bird Confuciusornis sanctus,the seashell Entemnotrochus rumphii,and the butterfly Teinopalpus aureus are rare in the world with very important scientific value.
The two projects of Changzhou Museum and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall had been approved on March 23rd,2005,and start construction on May 26th.They were officially open to the public on April 28 of 2007.The new museum is located at No.1288,Longcheng Road,Xinbei District,adjacent to the Changzhou Municipal Government,and was officially open to the public on April 1st of 2007.
The construction area of Changzhou Museum is 28,000 square meters,with the novel appearance,full equipped facilities,advanced functionality,and the characteristics of the ages.The show area is nearly 10,000 square meters with 10 exhibition halls.The main displays and exhibitions are consisted of two basic exhibitions,two special exhibitions and three temporary exhibitions.The basic exhibitions are the Changzhou History and Culture Display and the Natural Resources Display;the special exhibitions are the Art Museum of Xie Zhiliu’s displays and the display of Mahogany furniture contributed by LiuGuojun.At the same time it accepts temporary exhibition in terms of the different types and materials.
Since 2007,Changzhou Museum has received 3.37 million tourists at home and abroad, and become the good promotion of Changzhou and its external exchange,and the important window of VIP reception and tourists.Changzhou Museum has successfully won the“The National most Innovative Museum”,National Advanced Group of Cultural System,Civilization Unit of Jiangsu Province,Advanced Group of Cultural Relics System of Jiangsu Province,Excellent Museum of Jiangsu Province,which is also acted as the National First-class Museum,National 4A level Scenic Spot,the Patriotic Education Bases in Jiangsu Province and the Popular Science Base of Jiangsu Province.
As the modern comprehensive museum of the first-class prefecture-level,Changzhou Museum is on a new look with superior service.We warmly welcome the domestic and overseas guests to visit the museum.It will also make contributions to enrich the public spiritual and cultural life,carry out international cultural exchanges and construct the socialist culture in the future.
9:00-17:00(16:00停止入馆), 周一闭馆(法定节假日除外)
- 开放时间:周二至周日9:00—17:00(16:00停止入馆),周一闭馆(法定节假日除外)。
- 为确保文物安全,保持良好的参观环境,常州博物馆将对观众流量实施限量、有序控制,每天的参观人数控制在8000人次以下(含预约观众)。
- 常州博物馆自2024年9月3日起实行个人免预约入馆参观,观众通过安检后进入场馆。团队参观、讲解服务仍需提前在微信公众号、官方网站等平台进行预约。
- 常州博物馆全年免费开放,观众可凭有效证件(身份证、驾驶证、军官证等)在游客中心免费借用:爱心伞、拐杖、婴儿车、轮椅;可免费使用急救药品、纸杯、针线等各类物品。
- 除定时免费讲解、志愿者义务讲解外,其他讲解服务收费标准:
11-30人:中文,100元/次,约30分钟 - 本馆遇有重大活动或重要设备设施维修保养时,可根据需要临时闭馆,届时将预先告示公众。
- 常州博物馆地址:常州市龙城大道1288号,邮编213022
- 请您爱护公物,不得随意触摸展品。
- 严禁携带易燃易爆危险品、管制械具及其他法定危险品入馆。
- 请您保持馆内安静,禁止追逐打闹,推搡拥挤、大声喧哗;保持馆内清洁卫生,禁止随地吐痰、乱扔果皮纸屑,禁止吸烟。
- 请您自觉遵守公共秩序,请勿在馆内使用轮滑、溜冰鞋等类似轮式鞋,请勿在馆内使用蓄电池的电动交通工具,建议乘坐电动轮椅来馆参观的观众提前至观众服务中心更换手推轮椅。
- 凡衣衫不整和穿着拖鞋者(海绵、塑料、棉布等材质及无后帮)、醉酒、携带宠物者谢绝入馆。
- 身高1.2米以下的儿童须由家长带领参观,行动不便的老年人须由亲友陪同。
- 未经馆方允许,不得从事有偿服务及讲解活动,推销各类小商品者、散发广告者谢绝入馆。
- 请勿在展厅使用食品及饮料,外卖不得入馆。
- 为了文物及人身安全,展厅内禁止使用闪光灯、支架类摄影器材拍照、摄像,禁止使用自拍杆拍摄,所拍摄的影像资料不得作为商业用途。新闻媒体等需要特殊许可的,请事先联系常州博物馆办公室(0519-85165081)。
- 未经馆方允许,临摹或写生不可使用各类水性笔和水溶性材料,请勿在展厅架设画架,进行素描时,请勿妨碍其他观众的正常参观。
- 常州博物馆自2024年9月3日起实行个人免预约入馆参观,观众通过安检后进入场馆(周一正常闭馆)。
- 团队参观、讲解服务仍需提前在微信公众号、官方网站等平台进行预约。
- 公交路线:市民可乘坐B12、24、213路直达博物馆,或乘坐19、33、302、42、47、48、K3、53路至常州大剧院站下,步行约700米至博物馆。
- 地铁路线:市民可乘坐地铁1号线至市民广场站,步行约900米至博物馆。
电话:0519 – 8516 5089、0519 – 8516 5080 转 8078