墨斋基于北京和纽约,其使命是通过精心策划的展览项目,展现中国实验水墨对国际当代艺术的独特贡献。墨斋展览均由深度艺评,学术交流,中英双语出版和多媒体内容作为支持。墨斋的项目包含来自中国大陆、台湾、香港、韩国,以及日本的战后和当代艺术家,其中包括冰逸、张耀煌、陈海燕、程延平、戴光郁、何云昌、熊辉、黄致阳、井上有一、马文、郑光熙、康春慧、金钟九、李仁、劳同丽、李津、李华生、林贤洛、林玉相、刘丹、Ren Light PAN、彭康隆、苏煌盛、陶艾民、曾建颖、韦邦雨、王冬龄、王天德、魏立刚、徐冰、杨诘苍、郑重宾,并展出多媒介作品,包括绘画、书法、雕塑、装置、表演、摄影和影像。自2012年创立至今,墨斋多次被邀请参与纽约军械库艺术展,香港巴塞尔艺术展,上海西岸艺术设计博览会等国际艺术活动,其代理作品已被大都会博物馆,弗瑞尔与萨克勒美术馆,洛杉矶郡艺术博物馆,芝加哥美术学院,波士顿美术馆,布鲁克林博物馆,费城艺术博物馆,旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆和香港M+博物馆等公共机构收藏。
墨斋的展览与学术活动由艺术总监林似竹(Britta Erickson)博士负责主持。林博士毕业于美国斯坦福大学,获中国艺术史博士学位;2006年获得富布赖特奖学金赞助在北京研究中国当代艺术市场。现为独立学者与策展人,居于美国加利福尼亚帕洛奥图。其曾为华盛顿赛克勒美术馆策划 “文字游戏:徐冰的当代艺术” 展览,也为斯坦福大学坎特视觉艺术中心策划过”边缘:当代中国艺术家与西方的邂逅” 展览。2007年,她还参与策划了以水墨艺术为主题的成都双年展。此后,又作为特约策展人筹划了2010年在旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆举办的”上海:城市中的艺术”展览。林博士在当代中国艺术领域著述颇丰,已写作了数部著作、论文和随笔,并制作了当代水墨艺术纪录片系列《墨咏》。此外,林女士也是香港”水墨会”、北京”三影堂摄影艺术中心”顾问委员会成员,及《典藏国际版文选》、《亚太艺术杂志》编委成员。
INKstudio is an art gallery based in Beijing and New York. Its mission is to present Chinese experimental ink as a distinctive contribution to contemporary transnational art-making in a closely-curated exhibition program supported by in-depth critical analysis, scholarly exchange, bilingual publishing, and multimedia production. INKstudio’s program encompasses Postwar and contemporary artists from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan including Bingyi, Chang Yahon, Chen Haiyan, Cheng Yen-ping, Dai Guangyu, He Yunchang, Hung Fai, Huang Zhiyang, Inoue Yuichi, Jennifer Wen Ma, Jeong Gwang Hee, Kang Chunhui, Kim Jong-ku, Lee In, Lao Tongli, Li Jin, Li Huasheng, Lim Hyun-lak, Lim Ok-sang, Liu Dan, Ren Light Pan, Peng Kanglong, Ethan Su Huang-sheng, Tao Aimin, Tseng Chien-ying, Wai Pong-yu, Wang Dongling, Wang Tiande, Wei Ligang, Xu Bing, Yang Jiechang and Zheng Chongbin and exhibits works of diverse media, including painting, calligraphy, sculpture, installation, performance, photography, and video. Since its inception in 2012, INKstudio has regularly appeared at art fairs such as the Armory Show (New York), Art Basel Hong Kong, and West Bund Art & Design (Shanghai) and placed works into major public collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Freer-Sackler Galleries, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Brooklyn Museum, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco and M+ Museum, Hong Kong.
Dr. Britta Erickson, INKstudio’s Artistic Director, drives all aspects of its programming and scholarly activities. An independent scholar and curator living in Palo Alto, California, she has curated major exhibitions at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington, D.C. (Word Play: Contemporary Art by Xu Bing) and the Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford (On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Artists Encounter the West). In 2007 she co-curated the Chengdu Biennial, which focused on ink art, and in 2010 she was a contributing curator for Shanghai: Art of the City (Asian Art Museum, San Francisco). Dr. Erickson has written numerous books, articles, and essays on contemporary Chinese art. She has produced a series of short films about ink painting entitled The Enduring Passion for Ink. Ms. Erickson is on the advisory boards of The Ink Society (Hong Kong) and Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (Beijing), as well as the editorial boards of Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art and ART Asia Pacific. In 2006 she was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to conduct research in Beijing on the Chinese contemporary art market. Dr. Erickson received her Ph. D. in Chinese Art History from Stanford University.
开放时间 / Opening hours
星期二至星期天 10:00 – 18:00
Tuesday – Sunday 10 am – 6 pm
地址 / Location
Red No. 1-B1, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
邮编 / Zip code
电话 / Tel
+86 10 6435 3291