LCE GALLERY, 由三位女性收藏家创办。专注于呈现本土和国际层面的新兴艺术图景。为国内外当代艺术提供自由展示思想和观点的平台。为藏家构建一个不设边界,让心灵感到温暖、灵魂得到安放的当代美学场景与收藏体系。为公众呈现一份剥去学术与历史外衣,指向艺术本源的艺术感受。
LCE Gallery, founded by three female collectors, focuses on presenting emerging arts at both local and international levels. It provides a platform for contemporary art from around the world to freely express ideas and viewpoints, and creates a contemporary aesthetic scene and collection system that knows no bounds, providing warmth and peace for the soul of collectors. LCE also presents an artistic experience that strips away academic and historical complexities and leads to the essence of art for the public.
LCE will use its own aesthetic perspective to build a model contemporary gallery that showcases the belief of “art is life”.