

Yuz Museum Shanghai, officially opened in May of 2014, is a contemporary art museum founded by Mr. Budi Tek, a Chinese-Indonesian entrepreneur, philanthropist and collector. Yuz Museum is committed to drawing the world’s attention to Shanghai, advancing the development of contemporary Chinese art, actively engaging in the field of art education, and promoting cultural dialogues between East and West. As a non-profit institution, the museum aims to serve as a leader in exhibiting contemporary Chinese art and to build a preeminent reputation for contemporary art in China.

Since its opening in 2014, the Yuz Museum has been the home of many internationally acclaimed exhibitions such as the world’s largest Giacometti Retrospective, the Rain Room, the Asia premieres of Andy Warhol’s Shadow, KAWS’s first institutional exhibition in mainland China Where the End Starts, Charlie Chaplin: A Vision, etc.

关于创始人 / About The Founder


的收藏家。余德耀先生的收藏始于中国当代油画,尤其是八十年代初期到九十年代末期创作的作 品。如今,他已经建立起一个相当可观的中国当代艺术的收藏体系。一直以来,余德耀先生举办 藏品展览,并大力支持国际专业艺术机构的借展,以增进公众对中国当代艺术的理解和欣赏。同 时,余德耀先生受邀加入泰特美术馆亚太地区收藏委员会,为扩大亚太艺术的国际影响力贡献力量。

作为亚洲的顶级收藏家,余德耀先生的收藏也逐步拓展到亚洲艺术以外的西方艺术。最近,他的 收藏中加入了具有代表性的西方当代艺术家莫瑞吉奥·卡特兰(Maurizio Cattelan),弗瑞德·桑 德贝克(Fred Sandback)和阿德尔·阿贝德赛梅(Adel Abdessemed)等人的作品。

Mr. Budi Tek is a Chinese-Indonesian entrepreneur, art philanthropist and collector.

Mr. Budi Tek started his art collection about ten years ago when he discovered art’s ability to take him to new, unknown worlds. Thus he began his journey into the world of art, and he has been a serious collector ever since. He began with Chinese contemporary paintings, especially those created between the early 1980s and late 1990s. He has built up a considerable collection of Chinese contemporary art, and is always willing to exhibit and lend his works to other accredited art institutions in order to raise the profile and understanding of Chinese contemporary art worldwide. Mr. Budi Tek has also been invited to join the Tate’s Asia-Pacific Acquisitions Committee to heighten international awareness of Asia-Pacific arts.As a leading collector in Asia, Mr. Budi Tek has steadily expanded the scope of his interests beyond Asian Art to include Western Art as well. He has recently added artworks by representative Western contemporary artists such as Maurizio Cattelan, Fred Sandback and Adel Abdessemed to his collection.

关于余德耀基金会 / About Yuz Foundation

理念 / Our Underlying Principles
Collect contemporary, promote the art museum movement, take an active role in social welfare.

箴言 / Our Motto
Art is lasting, art is patient, art is a gift. It is a gift of faith, hope and love to the artistic life.

宗旨 / Our Mission

The Yuz Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 2007 to promote contemporary art and artists, and contribute to various art initiatives. The founder, Mr. Budi Tek, hopes to provide a platform for the communication and promotion of Asian and Western Contemporary art and artists.

余德耀基金会通过位于印尼雅加达的余德耀美术馆,为艺术家们提供展览机会,并通过每年在巴厘岛举办的当代艺术学术交流项目——巴厘岛对话(Bali Conversation),搭建起长效持续的交流平台,推动当代艺术向前发展。与此同时,余德耀基金会积极赞助当代艺术出版物,其中包括纽约现代艺术博物馆出版的《中国当代艺术:原始文献》( Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents)。并参与一系列专业艺术机构的借展,如于法国迪纳尔举办的展览《大哥 — 艺术家与暴君》( Big Brother – Artists & Tyrants)。国际现代艺术美术馆和收藏委员会(CIMAM,International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art)2010年于上海举办的学术会议,也得到余德耀基金会的大力支持。


The Yuz Foundation offers exhibition opportunities to international artists via the Yuz Museum, Jakarta, in Indonesia, and a platform for continuous dialogue for the promotion of contemporary arts via Bali Conversation, an annual academic discussion program about contemporary art held in Bali. It has also sponsored such publications as MoMA’s Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents and loaned many artworks to accredited art institutions for exhibitions such as the Big Brother – Artists & Tyrants exhibition in Dinard, France. Furthermore, it supported the CIMAM (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art) conference in 2010 in Shanghai.

The Yuz Foundation will continue working to develop compelling and consistent ways of realizing the founder’s desire—to enhance public appreciation for contemporary art and to promote contemporary art and artists.


开放时间 / Opening hours

周二至周日11:00 – 19:00 (周一闭馆,节假日除外)
Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 – 19:00 (Closed on Monday, expect holidays)

交通 / Traffic

地铁 / Metro
Line 17 Panlong Road Station, exit 2


地址 / Location
上海市青浦区蟠鼎路123弄8号 余德耀美术馆
Yuz Museum, No.8, Lane 123, Panding Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai

电话 / Tel
+86 (021)  6426 1901

邮箱 / E-mail


