站台中国当代艺术机构于 2005 年在北京草场地艺术区成立,成立之初基于莽撞和理想设定为非盈利艺术实验空间,试图搭建中国与国际沟通与对话的艺术平台,2015 年底搬入798艺术区中二街 D07 号。站台中国作为中国当代艺术的参与和推动者,致力于中国艺术生态的构建,是一个当代艺术的交流、研究、收藏与艺术品经营的综合性艺术机构。
Platform China Contemporary Art Institute was established in2005 in the Caochangdi Art District of Beijing. Initially founded asa non-proft art experimental space driven by audacity and ideals,it aimed to create a platform for artistic communication and dia-logue between China and the international community. In late2015,it relocated to D07,2nd Street, 798 Art Zone. As a partici-pant and promoter of Chinese contemporary art, Platform China isdedicated to constructing the Chinese art ecosystem. lt serves asa comprehensive art institution for the exchange, research, col-lection, and management of contemporary art.
Platform China (HK) set up our Chaiwan art space in 2012. And at the end of 2015, we decided to close the actual space and change ourselves into an art project. We will be more involved with local art communities and collaborate with other spaces to develop and foster new encounters and interdisciplinary research.
During the four years while we were in Chaiwan, HK, we presented more than 16 high quality shows which given an indispensable contribution to the local art ecology in HK.
Platform China Contemporary Art Institute (Beijing)
地址 / Location
中国北京朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区中二街 D07
D07 Main 2nd Street,798 Art District,No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road ,Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
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